Waals - перевод на французский
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Waals - перевод на французский

Van der waals; Van der Walls; Van der waal; Van Der Waal; Van der Waal; Van der Waals (disambiguation); Van de Waal; Waals; Van der Waal (disambiguation)

Waals, family name; Johannes Diderik van der Waals (1837-1923), Dutch physicist, winner of the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physics
Johannes Diderik van der Waals         
Johannes Diderik van der Waals (1837-1923), Dutch physicist, winner of the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physics


van der Waals forces
[?van d?'w?:lz, 'v?:lz]
¦ plural noun Chemistry weak, short-range electrostatic attractive forces between uncharged molecules, arising from the interaction of permanent or transient electric dipole moments.
C19: named after the Dutch physicist Johannes van der Waals.


Van der Waals

Van der Waals or Van der Waal may refer to:

Примеры произношения для Waals
1. van der Waals forces.
2. is-- not adhesive, its van der Waals
Spider Silk _ Leslie Brunetta _ Talks at Google
3. through electrostatics and van der Waals
The Power of Scale _ David Konerding & Kai Kohlhoff _ Talks at Google
4. that are so fine that you get van der Waals
Spider Silk _ Leslie Brunetta _ Talks at Google
5. by intermolecular forces, by Van der Waals forces.